Tuesday, November 27, 2007

the very first day!

despite the flurry of frenetic energy, i have successfully completed teaching my very first day of classes. and while i'm exhausted, i'm also deliriously relieved. my classes are 3 hours long and i taught two classes tonight. yep, do the math. i talked for nearly 6 hours straight. i've fallen in love with each of my students already. there are the students that are the immediate talkers, the ones who aren't afraid of embarrassment, the ones who while they may not know whether the answer is correct or not, they have the balls and courage to speak! then there are the really shy students, the ones who talk in a voice so small, i have to strain my ears to be able to hear them. they are nowhere near as outgoing as the former group but are so cute in their earnest effort to do a good job. i love everyone's energy, their spunk and personality. teaching is going to so tiring yet so rewarding!

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