Saturday, November 17, 2007

from scratch

humpty dumpty had a great fall:

cocoa & butter, yummers!

batter, batter, batter up!

brownies ala mode:

theresa and i have a lot in common and one of the funnest similarities is our undying love and appreciation of good food. not just good food, but goooooooooooooooood food, say it with me now, goooooooooooooooood food! mmmmmhmmm! we've recently shared some highly delectable feasts: spinach, onion, garlic and potato frittata with a mixed green salad tossed with a zesty balsamic vinaigrette; spinach, onion, garlic and potato pancakes--hey! you gotta use the ingredients you have on hand, waste not want not!--with another delicious salad; and tonight! we even made brownies from scratch, yep, that's right. from scriggity, scraggity, scratch! it was divine. now, i love most things chocolate, but warm, fudgy brownies served a la mode with sliced bananas. hot damn. i say, HOT DAMN!

i've been sleeping a lot these past couple of nights and it's doing my body wonders. it is kicking this cold of mine to the curb. sayonara sucka! apparently the air quality in korea, along with the water quality, particularly in seoul, is not so nice. perhaps that is the culprit of my sickness. probably that coupled with the fact that before my arrival to korea, i had been on the most irregular sleeping schedule, which usually puts one's body out of whack! wiggity wiggity whack!

speaking of wiggity wiggity whack, unfortunately my camera, my well-loved and amazing adventure-documenting companion has seen better days. i don't know why, but it's been on the fritz. getting all kinds of warped image on me, like it's suffering from nausea and making my photos tinted green or worse, producing images that don't look anything like the real thing. bah! stick with me, camera powershot, hold on, baby. i wonder if it can sense that i'll be upgrading soon, to a camera that will provide me with more than 3.2 megapixels. to (gasp!) a camera that is semi-professional? it would most likely be a canon, i've become a bit of a canon snob, and so, if any of you have camera recommendations, do send em my way. this is korea, afterall, what better place to stock up on electronic goodies?

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