Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the 3 month slump

i am in it. and i'm allowing myself to feel the draining effects of homesickness, to the point where it's, maybe, borderline unhealthy. it is what it is. i've been indulging my desire to sleep more, work a bit less, cry when i want to, become more of a domestic hermit rather than a party animal. i'm tired of going out, or maybe more correctly, i'm tired of feeling pressure (who is this pressure from? myself?) to go out, or even care to go out. i feel like i'm on the verge of a temper tantrum, only this kind isn't about wanting a toy or candy, it's more of the mental emotional variety. one where i want my friends who know (KNOOOOOOOOW!!!) me, who know exactly what to say (or just as importantly, what NOT to say) to simply be with me.

my birthday has surprised me...i didn't think i'd be so homesick so suddenly, but, with the influx of incredible love and thoughtfulness from home, it's actually made me miss everyone even more. so for the time being, i know i'm sulking, but, sometimes that's just what you have to do until it's out of your system. that and take lots of naps.


H. said...

nap it up gurrrrrl, take long showers/baths and listen to some good jams. Maybe dance the monkey because its hard not to laugh while dancing the defensive monkey dance. You'll probably add to your collection of wonderful friends while you are there, whether you go out or just chill and let things happen naturally, because you are Fabulous and people are drawn to you. WORD. E-hug for realz

Eve Fox said...

Sorry you're feeling the homesick blues. They'll pass. Just go with the flow and do what you need to do to get yourself through. You'll feel more energetic and outgoing when you're good and ready.

Big hug,