Thursday, January 17, 2008


yesterday, i spent the morning attempting to complete my written korean level placement exam. um, who felt like a moron? yeah, that would be me. (for whatever random reason, the inconsiderate cell phone man jingle just popped into my head...) i got an idea of how some of my students might feel when i see them with blank faces during exam time. hummina hummina hummina. after bombing the written and reading exam, i did a dramatically better job on the speaking section. out of 6 levels, i placed into the 3rd level for speaking! (surprised? yeah, me too!) and into the 1st level for reading and writing. (this however, is not surprising. girlfriend needs to learn how to read!) i went to the korean language academy in gangnam with nami and we are both excited to get our language lessons on! we've signed up for 2 private lessons together so as to be on par with the other students when we begin our classes on january 31st. hooray and oofda in the same breath: hoofda!

afterwards, we went to yongsan, a place in seoul well known for it's camera selection. at yongsan, we met a super nice and funny (definitely not sketchy) camera salesman. he took the time to show us the pros and cons of three different compact digital cameras: casio exlim, the canon ixy, and panasonic lumix. we compared shutter speeds, lcd screen qualities, macro functions (i'm such a big fan of this!) and color quality. my friends know that i'm a canon slut. this case, i opted to go with the camera with highest color quality, and that is the lumix, with the leica lens. yummers. mmmmhmmm! i spoke in primarily korean (yay!) but the concentration from our morning's activities paired with the overwhelming amount of cameras on display gave me a brain-ache to the max. nami and i realized that with our brains combined, we make one hellavuaverage korean!

when i showed the salesman my camera (canon powershot A75) he was surprised at the sheer size of it. it's humungous compared to the cameras nowadays--dang! technology! canon powershot, you know i'll always love you so please hold no grudges on the new camera, mmmmmmmmkay!? now, i'm pretty much broke, but happy! hey hey! happy birthday to me! these days, i'm a guitar playing, korean language taking, camera happy soul.

1 comment:

H. said...

yay!! can't wait to see some hot new colorful pics!