Wednesday, January 2, 2008

cultural notes

since i've been sick recently, i've been snots mcsnotterson, aka, can't stop won't stop blowing my nose. last night, during one of my classes, my students rebelled in disgust. apparently, in korea, if you have to blow your nose, you should excuse yourself, go to the washroom and blow your nose (i say as loudly as you want!) in "private." i definitely sit in please-blow-your-nose-so-you-don't-have-to-sniff-sniff-all-day camp--i find the sniffles ten times more annoying a 30 second somewhat noisy nose blow. so then, being a wiseass, i asked my students, what do you do if your nose keeps running? do you excuse yourself every 3-4-5 minutes? my students laughed at me and said, 1) stuff tissues up your nose or 2) say you have a bloody nose and stay in the bathroom for a while. wha?!?!

the next time i had to blow my nose, i followed the cultural norm and stepped in the hallway. (i'd never leave my kids unsupervised! shoot! all hell would break loose!) and even when i was being sincere, my kids still laughed at me. it's actually quite endearing. i'd rather have them be laughing than be stone silent. won joon, mr. funny "happy maker" man, told me that i was funny! another student, jane, agreed and asked me if i want to be a comedian. hmm, maybe they're onto something...

1 comment:

H. said...

Wouldn't the snotty wads of tissue eventually fall out yer nostrils onto the floor (splat) and then open the floodgates of snot?? Or maybe they'd hang from a sticky boog for a while in front of yer face? I firmly agree with your blow rather than sniffle stance. Snifflers along with nosebreathers and chew-with-their-mouths-open peeps are guh-ross!