Monday, December 28, 2009

team 경주!

this time next month, one of my closest and dearest friends in seoul will return to the states. beginning with our first hike up to n tower, we've shared so many laughs, smiles, adventures. it's hard for me to fathom seoul without her, so until that day arrives, i'm getting in as much amanda time as i can! (small world story: amanda and i actually went to the same high school, but it was here in korea that we were introduced to each other from our awesome mutual friend, jennifer. thank you jennifer for being such a good friendster.)

amanda and i have this wonderful history of taking fabulous weekend trips outside of seoul. this past weekend was no exception to the glory. originally, we had wanted to go to jeongju, but, unfortunately the jeongju stars were not in proper alignment. everyone else and their mother had already booked up just about every pension in jeongju. not good. so, just in the nick of time, we, a dynamic team, composed plan b: gyeongju. hence, the our weekend name, team gyeongju! we sorted out the travel details, (early bus there, to maximize exploration time. train back, as to avoid traffic!) the pension details, and off we went. BEAUTIFUL.

a scrumptious welcoming gyeongju meal:

the restaurant's offerings. the menu:

the tastiest sweet potatoes, ever!

entrance to bulguksa, one of korea's oldest temples:

being silly:

soekgulram, grotto buddha is housed in that temple:

amanda loves the electric blanket!

our cute pension:

seated buddha, from our hike on namsan:

majestic mountains:

the enchanted forest:

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