Friday, December 18, 2009

erratic and unfavorable

i'm in the midst of training at my new place of employment, a purportedly highly sought after academy for students and of course their mothers. i'm singling out training as the major reason for my erratic and wholly unfavorable sleep schedule. the most i've slept on any given night this week was a measly 5 or 6 hours. 6--meh, less than average. but 5? poor. 5 hours of sleep on repeat and you've got a knackered chong by friday--which is today. you're talking to a girl who can literally fall asleep upon direct pillow contact and continue until the alarm goes off...but today, por ejemplo, i went to bed at 2am and woke up, rather suddenly around 6:20-ish. then, i thought, "hey, maybe i just need to write it out, get this annoyance/concern off my chest..." and then maybe, just maybe, i can gain entry into slumberland once more before today's training session at 2pm.

training will last for a total of 12 days. if you do the math, today is day 5. actually, no math is really involved, it's just literally my 5th day of training. so far, the training itself isn't terribly difficult, there's just so much information to pay attention to and absorb. thankfully, all the teachers are saying the same thing--so at least there is cohesion and fluency among the staff and the system--albeit adding their unique takes on what they've found to be advantageous and disadvantageous. it's a shit ton of information. i realized that within these observations, i already have everything i need in terms of teaching, it's just a matter of adjusting to the system. adjustments, yes, but i also realized that this job, like any other job, is a sick twisted game. (and i loathe participating, but participation is unavoidable, unless i want to be unemployed, which is a big fat no thank you.) the game: be an effective teacher and if possible, preemptively appease the parents. i typically adore games, though not computer games, i'm talking board games people! but these types of games annoy/frustrate/tire me. they are soooooooo obviously not board games. i'll be alright. of course i'll be alright, i just have to remind myself to choose to not let it get to me. bedtime again.

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