Wednesday, June 18, 2008


koreans have a tendency to add sounds to words that don't need them. they do this because the exact translation of sounds does not exist. for example, the word, "toast." there isn't an "oa" sound in korean, so they make a one syllable word, into three: to-sou-tuh.

last night, the topic of discussion was circuses. to get discussion going, i asked my students what types of things you see in modern day circuses. they gave expected responses: lions, tigers, clowns, elephants...and then, kevin said, "jugg-guh-ling." one of my favorite activities to do with my students is to correct their pronunciation. not in a judgemental way, but to demonstrate its importance. i love it when they laugh at my exaggerated mispronunciation and then it is the ultimate compliment when they repeat after me, in perfect form. it's an added bonus when they even mimic my tone! jug-gling!

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