Friday, June 27, 2008

lazy sunny days and pad thai

i've eaten pad thai just about every day since my arrival to thailand. i haven't tired of it's that damn good! i'm on the island of koh samui hurts to sit on this vinyl chair of the internet cafe because my lazy ass fell asleep and got burnt on the beach. yep. Burnt, with a capital B! tomorrow, off to koh pha ngan, another island that's only a ferry ride away...but this time, i'm reapplying sunscreen every hour, on the hour. no joke. happy beaching!


H. said...

YUMMMMM pad thai in freakin thailand oh my god!!!! Miss you as usual girl!!

Eve Fox said...

Sounds so nice, minus the sunburned butt part! I miss Thailand..

Now if I know Ji Sun, she's taking a lot of incredibly beautiful and interesting pictures, no?

So where are they at???