Sunday, March 30, 2008


students are curious about their teachers. they want to know more about them, and i definitely understand. when i was younger, i completely adored a few of my teachers and wished to know more about their lives, what they ate for dinner, what was their favorite sport? book? candy bar? mundane yet surprisingly connecting things.

these are a few questions that students ask without fail:
1) teacher, how old are you? (my answer: i'm somewhere between 19-99. it's usually followed by a collective groan from my students.)

2) teacher, are you married? (my answer: nope. look at my hand! my student jeff looked at me in shock and admonished, "teacher! you MUST get married!" sweet jesus. talk about pressure! relax, already!)

3) teacher, do you have a boyfriend? (sometimes i want to lie and say yes, but, often times, i say no and quickly direct their attention back to the lesson. some of the girls get that slight matchmaking twinkle in their eye...)

4) teacher, are you korean? (the concept of dual identities doesn't really exist in korea, so i often explain to them that i'm korean and american. sometimes they tilt their head in confusion, but when i explain that i'm a "gyopo" they understand. gyopo, literally translates to foreign korean.

5) teacher, are you american? (uh, do you hear my accent? yes, refer to answer 4.)

and this one is a new one.
yesterday, my precocious student, eddie asked me, "teacher, why are you so strong?" hilarious.

1 comment:

H. said...

What a great question! You're like because I got crazy muscles and a wicked smaaht brain, yo.