Saturday, February 16, 2008

white house

last night during class, we read a passage about a man with a deadly disease that made him act crazy and howl like a monkey. it was definitely a bizarre story and it fit the mood of the class, every student acted strange and a.d.d. this is usually my best class! the erratic behavior is most likely linked with the fact that they've just graduated from elementary school and this is the last week of the term. great. they don't care about class and honestly, i don't blame them. shoot! i'm tired too!

anyway, the story about the crazy man created a discussion about where the crazies in korea go. i learned last night that the mental hospital in korea is called a "white house." ha! i informed my students that in america, the white house is where the president lives and laughed out loud as the white house's definition in korea could also, in this case, apply to the states too. get it? w is crazy!

one of my students, sonya told me that she wants obama to win the vote because, get this. he's so handsome. oh brother!

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