Tuesday, February 26, 2008


the past 24 hours have been uber stressful. last night, yes, the night before classes of the second term began, i found out that i was scheduled to teach a program that i've not had any training in whatsoever. not a lick. wtf?!?! needless to say, i've been a bit frazzled about it all. not very go with the flow of me, but, shoot. what the hell?

thankfully, i have comforting friends as coworkers and they were able to help me smooth out my stress the night before. but, tonight, a few minutes before class began, i could feel myself falling apart. literally. my computer wouldn't let me access the files i needed for my first class, then when i could access the mp3s, i couldn't play them. rah! being home is the sweetest relief. that and choco pie.

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