Thursday, February 14, 2008

updates, uploads and more...

i know, i know. it's been a while and much has happened in the last couple of weeks. it seems that things (life, life, LIFE!) have speed ahead in full swing with little room for sleep, much less, journal, blog, or simply sit down without thinking about what else has to be done. perhaps i'm being a tad bit melodramatic, however, until my mind and body adjust to this new schedule of mine, (wake up at 8-8:30ish to be at the subway by 9, to commute into the city for my 10 o'clock korean class. return home by 1, prep, study, eat lunch, on m-w-f's work out at the gym--yay! i've joined a gym and running has never felt better!--and be to work by 4. work for 6 hours, grab dinner with friends and co-workers, back at home, finish prepping, studying, complete korean homework, practice guitar, and aim to be in bed by 2am. now, THAT was a mouthful!) my brain feels scattered and disheveled. my house looks like i feel! piles and piles of things in various states of completion--folded laundry that needs to be put away, piles of recyclables to take out, stacks of books to read, a bunch of letters to write (my pen-pal lovelies! correspondence is on its way to you, i promise!) and unfinished knit goods to resume. and yet, i feel good! my 3 month slump has given way to a hectic 4th month, one where i'm feeling more empowered, fatigued, and content.

the other day, i uploaded close to 300 photos...dang! note to self, don't do that again. it was a long process! more stories and photographs appearing soon! for real. fo'sho!

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