Thursday, December 2, 2010

another level of awareness

i've always been a sports/health/active-lifestyle enthusiast and for most of my life, for athletics and food consumption alike, i've generally believed in the "everything in moderation" rule of thumb. however, i've noticed that within the past few years, that that's actually not very true at all, especially if i want to look more fit/tone/sculpted. everything in moderation actually goes against attaining defined arms and abs.

this month, i'm challenging myself to have a deeper understanding of how best my body can function. i'm committing myself to having a more discipline relationship with food and with exercise. i've always been curious about what i'd experience in undertaking such an endeavor. for four weeks, i'll exercise 4 times a week, doing a series of various circuits that focus on my core muscles, arms, and legs. last night, i focused on my core and arms with a repeated series of burpees, side plank balances, push-ups with dumbbells and finishing it all off with three rounds of sprints on the treadmill. i have never felt so winded, so quickly in my life. i was sweating like a beast and my muscles were spent in just over 30 minutes. my friend and "trainer," sam, is an exercise buff who has proven how effective this circuit training is on his own body and i'm excited to see the differences i'll notice as my dedication continues.

let me tell you folks, after day one, i realize that most of my down time is spent thinking about what not to eat and what time i actually can eat the foods i'm able to eat. think boiled eggs, baked sweet potatoes, plain yogurt, and as many raw vegetables as i want. now that i'm counting calories, i realize that i 1) have definitely over-eaten for most of my adult life. 2) i like to think about food, A LOT.

this may sound a bit extreme, but, it's actually more of an exercise in conscious awareness. i'm all about learning how to be aware in the present moment and what better way than to focus on my health and the mind-body connection.

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