Wednesday, November 17, 2010


i am a big proponent of equality in the classroom and in life, but i would be lying if i said there weren't people i adored, admired or connected with more than others. this does not mean that i respect any less, but, that it makes sense to choose to be close to those who view life similarly. as such, there are some students that i understand or relate to more. one of those students, is pam.

when i post homework assignments online, my students also have the ability to post and ask questions about the parts they find confusing or to simply, make a statement. yesterday, i saw this posting from pam and my heart literally melted, right then and there. i did nothing to solicit this sort of proclamation, which makes it all the more meaningful.

"I'm going to do all the homework. I will not let you down, Ji Sun."

more important than facts or vocabulary words, my goal in teaching this year was to teach my students to simply be better people, to learn and understand responsibility and accountability. in just one statement, i feel as if i have at least made that known to one student. (PHEW!)

1 comment:

H. said...

pam is the best!!!!!!!!