Monday, December 6, 2010

funky fresh

one of the most creative and expressive areas of seoul is funky fresh hongdae. home of hongik university, the area exudes cool, from its graffiti tags, amazing array of cutesy coffee shops, eclectic decor, urban fashionistas and street performances by rocknrollers.

i spent a lovely sunday afternoon in hongdae with my fabulous friend, jennifer. we meandered the streets, observing and noting the architecture, restaurants and art. here are some examples of our wanderings.


Tara said...

I was in Seoul over the summer and fell in love with the crazy graffiti too. I'm planning to go back and try to publish a book on the street art there. I was wondering if you knew anything about the scene there. Let me know, thanks!

The Lightners said...

I am LOVING this hairstyle of yours! Tres chic!