Monday, September 14, 2009

red hot

cosmically speaking, full moon nights make for some random--RANDOM!--experiences. this past full moon was certainly no exception. last saturday night, the evening began with some serious wrongs: the wrong subway line and the wrong subway stop.

then, some more wrongs: we didn't have directions to the bar we were trying to find, but thankfully, for an odd united nations-ish looking bunch like us, (a white girl, a black man and an asian) native koreans knew that we were looking for the only foreign bar in bucheon. yes, bucheon. so we make it to the bar, after an epic 3 hour journey, and we felt, in polite terms, really out of place. this was not the kind of bar where everyone's glad you came. in fact, we stuck out like city folk among the suburban folk and amanda overheard someone (a westerner, not a korean native) say, "who's the black guy?" after a quick round of drinks, we happily left and made our way back into our comfort zone, in nitty gritty seoul.

after some more outrageous mishaps, the night ended in random red hot fashion. just as we were all about to hail taxis home, three canadian guys who were hanging out around the crosswalk asked me if i wanted to buy a pair of red shoes. huh? what in the hell? apparently, they had befriended a sort of crazy older korean lady--ajumma--and was helping her sell a pair of red high heels, directly off her feet. she ran over to where we were--at that time, she was trying to convince some other person to buy them!--and sure enough, they fit. my size, 235. red. shiny. pumps. the canadians told me that they'd split the cost of the shoes and so i was suckered into these "dorothy take me home" high heels. the cost? less than 5 dollars. classy? far from it. red hot? you betcha!