Sunday, September 27, 2009

quasi-date with art boy

i've been thinking, yet again, about romantic relationships. i've been contemplating what i know about them and what i would like to understand further. i've also been reflecting on past relationships, gently analyzing what did and did not work with those people with whom, it seemed at the time, i felt an intense, deep, affectionate connection.

i realize that i tend to fall quickly in lust with the notion of a person. this is no "new" news per say, but, it's good to be reminded of proclivities. i jump quickly from the initial attraction to wanting immediate intimacy. it could be that i allow myself to become blinded when i feel like i've finally found a person that genuinely "gets" me. often times, that premature assumption makes me realize later that they only "get" one aspect of me and that that one dimensionality leaves me bored, misunderstood, and disappointed.

i get impatient, but, it's that exact impatience that gets me in trouble. it's ridiculous, really. i like the not-knowing. i like the sense of adventure, the sense of curiosity and wonder it provides! so why do i try to rush, why do i ask questions when the answers will reveal themselves in time?!? with this in mind, i met art boy with this heightened sense of awareness and it was such a lovely lovely quasi-date.

so what's with the quasi-date, right? well, art boy and i met in insadong and we walked to a nice cafe nearby. we ordered coffee and chit-chatted as we had done over the phone for the majority of this past week. we continued to share our thoughts and opinions about cultures and preferences. it was very comfortable and chill, quietly exciting, and challenging--we speak primarily in korean, so, it's sometimes a korean language focus overload for me! for our first meeting (dude--my sense of time is terribly warped! we met only a week ago, but, it feels like i've known him for much longer...) he gave me three gifts! it's a matching set consisting of a credit card wallet, colored pencils, and a travel cup. he said that he felt like santa reaching into his satchel (it's not a purse, it's a satchel!) and asked me if i was well-behaved. he was joking and i don't think he has ANY idea of how his jokes can often be taken, uh, rather, vulgarly! nor do i really think he has any intention of taking them down that road. fine. i admit it. my mind is obviously in the gutter! but come on! well-behaved? naughty or nice? seriously? seriously! that's pretty funny! (and there's more where that came from!)

i was really touched that he was so thoughtful as to give me such nice and useful gifts--utilitarian rules!--on the first (quasi)date! and they are so stinkin cute! after about an hour at the cafe, his friend joined us and we all walked to a restaurant where we sat on the rooftop terrace and ate 칼국수:korean noodles in a seafood/potato based soup. we all chatted about art, new york--where friend would like to attend grad school, and life in korea. it was a really nice time. and i came home feeling quite content. so three cheers to letting things happen organically and slowly.

now, i must pack! my apt is atrocious. and i move in three days!

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