Monday, June 1, 2009

green and quiet

this past saturday, my boyfriend, philip, took me to a green, quiet space, blissfully tucked away from the hubhub of everyday traffic and noise. he took me to 동구릉, donggureung, the east nine tombs, a burial place for 7 kings and 10 queens. so why the number 9? good question, only nine of the tombs are visible in the form of mounds above the earth. the site is beautiful in its greenery, seclusion, and serenity. we had a lovely picnic--and we were amused when we were singled out and told not once, but twice, by a staffer who requested that we move our blanket location. the funniest part is that we later saw another couple sitting in the very same spot we once sat!--and delighted in the fact that we could hear the wind through the leaves in the trees. it was peaceful, tranquil and calming. splendid, really.

the view from the hilltop (notice the little people, bottom left. we sat not far from them):

afternoon delight, lazy contemplation:

take one:

take two:

take three:

1 comment:

H. said...

you go girl!!