Tuesday, May 31, 2011

doing more because i CAN. and i WANT TO.

it's funny how sometimes we and by we, i mean me, (and you can also include yourself in this category) sometimes forget to do the things we actually enjoy, dare i say, love, admire, adore doing. i love art. i love thinking about it, sketching, drawing, planning, plotting, dreaming about all things art. be it being moved by and swept away by paintings and prints in a museum, gallery, or being amused and grateful for sweet graffiti art and stickers i see on the street, random bathroom art, signage, you name it. i will usually dig it. (unless it's crap. but then again, there's sometimes beauty in the ugly too. other times, it really is just ugly. YIKES!)

this is my time to take life by the balls. BALLS. that means i've got to do it. and when i'm doing it, i'm loving it. here's to remembering to honoring by DOING what i love: art.

in an effort to aid this process, i've called on my family and friends to collaborate with me. my first collaborator is my brother. when he was visiting bmore, he showed me pictures on his camera. one of them was a piece of artwork that he liked, a silhouette of an octopus, that he thought about buying. he didn't actually make the purchase, but it dawned on me, that i would love my brother to own original artwork by me, his sister! i like to hold myself accountable and for the most part i do, but it's also true that when others hold you accountable too, you can be more apt to get it done, sometimes, even better and faster. i thought about replicating the octopus image i saw, but my brother gave me an even better idea. based on his observations at the chicago zoo he was introduced to and was very taken by the axolotl. (pronounced ACKS-a-lot-uhl, which means "water dog.") i have time to embellish and draw variations on the funny salamander creature that is native to mexico. for now, i'm happy with the beginning! i'm well on my way!

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