this morning, after waking up slowly in moira's lovely apt, i realized that i didn't allow myself enough time for a leisurely stroll to meet amanda near dupont circle. because of this, i picked up the pace and began to jog. (now i know the reason why i don't wear my chucks when i go running!) i was going at a nice clip when all of a sudden, i tripped on an exposed and raised crack in the sidewalk. what didn't help the situation was that chucks have big toe uppers, which sadly got all too easily caught in the shifted cement. i was running happily and a second later, i was on the sidewalk with my yoga mat tossed lightly to the side and a throbbing pain in my left wrist. turns out my watch took the brunt of the fall and i completely bent the closing latch, as well as scuff the shit out of the side of a few stainless steel panels. oopsa. interestingly enough, i chuckled at such a clumsy fall (face it! falls are funny! and when you actually see a person falling, it's HILARIOUS!--of course, as long as they don't seriously injure themselves...) and picked myself up, got the dirt of my shoulder, and quickly walked--no more running!--to Q and connecticut where amanda was waiting for me.
once in her car, i surveyed the damages and in the beginning i was so bummed out about my watch, that i didn't realize that the biggest sore wasn't my wrist, it was my right knee. i had skinned it and didn't see it until i sat down in the front seat. it was bleeding, but not too badly. amanda offered to stop at cvs to get some medical supplies, but, it wasn't anything that good ole soap and water couldn't handle once we got to the embassy.
on friday, amanda sent me an invitation to attend a free pilates session at the rooftop of the swedish embassy also known as house of sweden. (whenever i get my own space, i'm calling it house of chong.) say WHAT?!? giddy at this golden opportunity we got to the embassy in georgetown bright and early and after the parking meter emptied amanda's change purse of it's coinly possessions, we made our merry way (me still laughing at my fall and amanda joining me in the giggles!) to house of sweden. (i love that. house of sweden.) along the way, a trio of bikers passed us and while we waited for them to clear the sidewalk, we happened to pause by a group of pepco workers. i tripped (again!) on the grate and one of the workers, commented, "be careful! i see you already hurt yourself once! you don't want to do it again!" hahahahaha! true enough! and then, without skipping a beat, the other worker offered me a band-aid and i gladly accepted. after he located the band-aids (2) and one iodine antiseptic packet, he even was so kind as to offer to put the band-aids on me! how creepily sweet. i declined the offer but thanked him for the band-aids. the kindness of strangers makes me so happy!
once we were on the rooftop, we reveled in the sunlight (warm!), view (awesome!) and the general excitement from other participants (cute!). the pilates session was a fabulous start to a glorious saturday and a blissful reminder of how many sweet opportunities there are in the district. it's so good to be here.
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