Friday, November 27, 2009

timing, timing, timing.

i'm going to get a lil personal here, so, if you don't like to hear about the "period," you might want to stop reading right now. (don't worry, i'm not going to get all graphic and use words like "chunks." instead i'm going to explain how my period is like my evil twin sister when it comes to timing.)

i'm sick right now. not dying sick, not h1h1 sick--at least, i don't think so!--but the damn korean colds are much more lethal than the american strands. now that i think about it, it's not surprising that i'd find myself in this position. i had, in retrospect, put too much social activity on my plate--it is so difficult to strike that balance, MEH!--and running around during inconsistent, swinging temperatures does not bode well on the immune system.

thankfully, i have time to sleep all day, to sleep away the sickness. but i realized that my back aches...uh-oh, is that from the cold? might i have the flu? but then i remembered, my period is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. good grief. whenever something else happens in my body, my period likes to make itself known. it's like it's saying, "hey! don't forget about me!" when i had my dental surgery, guess who arrived? period. other sicknesses or moments of serious pain...period. and now that i'm sick? period. okay, period. I GET IT. i will never forget you.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Girl, you are not the only one! Seems that everytime I'm sick I get mine too. It must be the weakening of the immune system in preparation for it's arrival or something. But like clockwork, anytime I'm sick it's always just before that dreaded time of month.