Thursday, October 1, 2009

in stride

i have convinced myself that i want, deserve, and NEED at least a week's worth of vacation. since i'm unable to take a "proper" get-out-of-the-city type of vacation, i will make the most of my time IN the city instead. i foresee lots of wandering, wondering, and picture taking. i will go running and biking along the han river, practice yoga on the rooftop of my new and temporary digs, visit museums, palaces, restaurants, and explore new neighborhoods and new mountains as well as revisit old ones. i will take dance classes and meet new people. i will study korean with renewed gusto and remain optimistically curious and open to this universe.

last night, while i was taping up the last of my boxes, i felt a surge of overwhelming emotions. it seems unbelievable that another year has passed, just like that. LIKE THAT! and here i am, to a place where i was once before, but surely changed, and for the better.

in the past four months alone, i have experienced a bountiful diversity of situations: the immense joy of a homecoming, my sister's wedding, the enveloping warmth of family and friends, an epicure's satiation of american cuisine, the indescribable aftermath of an invasive oral surgery procedure, the heartache of a necessary break-up, the sweet realization of forgiveness and letting go, the art of mindfulness, moving on and moving forward...

i am officially jobless. my last day of work was september 29th and on the next day, my first day of joblessness, my alarm rang at 8:00am. i shut it off, and with a smile on my face, i fell back asleep. it. was. absolutely. delicious. i do not wish to be jobless for too long--just enough to realign, restore, and rejuvenate. i've certainly been applying to jobs and going on various interviews...unfortunately, the positions that have been offered to me are just MOST DEFINITELY NOT A GOOD MATCH. i will be patient and i will remain flexible yet strong.

1 comment:

H. said...

GIRL you're like imma go on vacation then you list 57 things you're gonna do ... remember to do a little bit of nothing in between all that!!!