Monday, March 16, 2009

dalki land!

welcome to dalki land--a cuteness overload sort of place with kids squealing about strawberries and poop and other such charming characters. i visited dalki land with my language buddy, 재열 (pronounced jae yoehr) and we had a grand ole time, enjoying the sun, posing with our "friends."

childsize, but with much MUCH bigger heads:

me and 재열:

this is not at all posed, but i just happened to take this photo at the precise and fortuitious moment when some unknowing man's ass was strategically placed for the pointy finger to point directly at it:

might i say, very well placed bunny ears! POOP hat!

재열 and his cactus boys:

uh, can you spot me?

dalki, dalki, dalki:

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