Saturday, October 13, 2007


i'm not the most confident stick shift driver so this analogy may be more on point than i had originally imagined. picture this: you're in first gear, stopped on an ever so slight hill, the incline is not enough to give you the sweats about stalling, but enough to force your left foot steady on the clutch and right foot on the brake. luckily, no one is behind you as you begin to release the clutch while simultaneously pressing the gas pedal. you can feel the car shake a little as you realize you're feet aren't in sync and you overcompensate for it by jerking the car (giving yourself multiple miniature whiplashes) forward. yes. that's how i feel right now. in that in between, jerking forward, drifting back, trying to find the balance of optimum smooth.

luckily, i know where i'm going, it's just how and when i'll get there that's to be decided. for the past year now, i've known that i've wanted to go to korea, to teach english, to learn korean, to learn more about the culture, to travel, to explore, to save the ca-zash. (shoot! maybe even meet someone extraordinary...say what, say what, anything can happen.) i feel like i've been in this stalled space, overwhelmed by the possibilities that i've become paralyzed by my options and my fears. fortunately, i'm shifting more towards excitement and open-ness than retreat into scary-ville. good news, i've narrowed down the list of places to live. i want to be in seoul.

my dad called me the other day and asked what i was doing. i think i perplex my parents. i know they are concerned about me, want to make sure that i'm okay--funny, how i think their idea of "okay" greatly differs from my idea of okay.--and things are for the most part, fine. but i'm not content with fine. fine is boring. fine is status quo. fine is laaaaaaaaaame. but fine is also safe and sometimes fun and comfortable. but, i'm not happy, not as happy as i know i want to be and that, is not fine.

so i'm taking this risk and putting myself out there and realizing it's only as scary as i allow it to become. breathe in the fear, breathe out the calm, stall no more.

1 comment:

PeterNZ said...

Hi babe,

this is Peter here from NZ. Remember me? I hope so!

I enjoy reading your blog especially because while reading it I see you right in front of me.

One comment, you say "fine is boring" etc. Does this mean you strive for being "not fine"? Can't you be fine in a way that you are moving? Moving forward, sideways or in any direction? Would fine be still boring if you would have a goal you can move towards? I am very "fine" because I have a goal. As long as I know that I am not standing still, I am fine. Even if it appears to others that I am not fine in my current situation.

Enjoy the moment! You are in a phase where you have to find your next "place". Enjoy the search! Enjoy the ride!

Sorry if this all sounds old and mature. But I am old and mature! ;-)

