Thursday, August 21, 2008


closure: a bringing to an end, a conclusion.

in most of my classes, i gave my students, what i like to call the "homework sticker sheet." it's a small piece of paper that simply listed the number of weeks in chronological order with a space to affix a very cute or very cool or very cute and cool sticker. they were given a sticker only if they did all of their homework assignments. i devised this sticker sheet to reward the students who--bless them!--completed all their homework! luckily for me, my students took a real shining to it and as much as i looked forward to giving them their stickers, they were excited to choose their pieces of flair. i mean, C'MON! who doesn't like stickers?!?!?!

i reminded my students--awww the lil munchkins!--that i would reward those who deserved it with a little something. i had bought cool markers to give as treats on the last week, which i didn't know i would not have. but, don't stop believin. my fellow teachers have been more than understanding and supportive and have aided me in getting the markers and my notes to each student of mine.

i wanted to tell them in person, just how much i have loved teaching and laughing with them. i wanted to give them a ji sun life lesson and explain my opinion of how important is to make your own choices, responsibly and with awareness. i wanted to tell them how much i re-learned from them the joy of learning, of understanding, of applying and reveling in knowledge. i believe that i have behaved this way for the duration of this summer term so i trust that what i could've taught them, they already know. my closure is now knowing that they know that i didn't abandon them and that i am so proud of them for being exactly who they are.

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