Thursday, August 7, 2008

central park at night

when i walk to school--though recently, the heat has been so exhaustive, i've been sharing cab rides with co-workers--i usually walk through the park. and wouldn't you know it, it's called central park. it's nowhere near as expansive as nyc's central, but, it's got its own charms. one of them being the nightlight and water show!

i don't know exactly when the lights and water splashfest begins (sometime after the sunset) or ends, but on my way home one night last week, i gasped with giddiness at my well-timed fortune to finally see the oh-so-pretty lights! and what's more, play with the manual modes on my camera! yessssssss! it was great to see so many families out and about having a ball, squealing, laughing, and of course, splashing!


H. said...

Holy crap that's cool!! and nice photos girl!

Anonymous said...

That is so freakin' cool! Thanks for sharing those pictures. It makes me want to go there!