i wrote a very passionate and therapeutic post about how i received the pink slip (in an email, without warning). but out of respect to the company that fired me, (also, i DO NOT want to held responsible for any legal bullll s.) i'm summarizing all of my angst, frustration and grievances into a paragraph. the original pink slip post, rated R with all it's raw emotion, will be published once the rage dwindles.
the positive: good news! i found a new job! it was an exhausting process of figuring out the pros and cons, weighing out my options, and then finally making a decision that has already proved itself advantageous, time and time again. and i haven't even started working yet.
the negative: once i told the company that fired me the news of my resignation, they handled it immaturely, pettily personally, and senselessly. with only one week left in the summer term, they let me go. instead of doing what's ethically right (letting me stay on to finish the term--which i happily said i would do!) they had to prove to themselves that they stick by the rules of the contract (i couldn't give them 30 days notice so they got their panties all in a bunch!) which is a load of bull anyway, and dismissed me. they kicked my lovely, shapely, firm and fine ass to the curb. and i wouldn't have gotten upset if i didn't care so damn much about my students...they are the only reason why i even stayed as long as i did! LORD HAVE MERCY! and so they shafted the students, when they should be the
last people to get cheated. what's more, they put in a new instructor who wasn't even trained in the reading program, and asked current instructors to substitute my other classes when i would have and i repeat, happily finished the term. unnecessary stress was needlessly distributed when a reasonable and voluntary solution was available. STUPID IDIOTS!!!!!
relief: when i speak of karma, i say it not maliciously but respectfully. it still saddens me when i think about how painfully arrogant, obstinate and ignorant people can be yet i have to have the belief that what goes around comes around, even when, (
especially when) i feel mistreated.
i now have time off from work! whoohoooooooo! it's been a flurry of emotions, thoughts, excitement and relaxation. i'm making the most of it all, considering that i don't really have any vacation days (except for national holidays) at the new job. koreans really do work too much.