Thursday, September 6, 2012

feeling a wee bit sheepish!

yikes! how the hell did i not blog for the past 5 months?!? instead of making up lame-ass excuses for why i've been a blogging hermit, i'll just say, you know what? i got lazy. and now, i'm feeling not as lazy. done. now let's move on...

LIFE! (in photographic form.)
here's what's recently been keeping me curious, happy, and satisfied!

new york cheesecake!


chicken pot pie!

coconut macaroons!

fresh tomato sauce!

delicious cookie dough!

oreo, chocolate chip and reese's pieces cookies!

crispy, salty oatmeal cookies!

besides cooking and baking, i've been feeling a whole lotta emotions. it's no joke that when it rains, it pours. i've been feeling some serious heavy boots (expression taken from jonathan safran foer's extremely loud & incredibly close). in the last month, my friend was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and will have to undergo surgery, another friend's amazingly spirited grandmother passed away, a different friend's baby in utero is not responding to medications to reduce her heart rate which is over 200! i'm not trying to be debbie downer, but, it's times like these that really challenge our strength. it's also times like these that really help you, me, us! remember what's most important. LOVE.

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