Monday, March 19, 2012

my "man" hair cut

after seeing me with my hair down, many of my students were puzzled by the lack of hair they saw when i wore it up in a bun. they were stunned to realize that i had an undercut, something they like to call my "man" hair cut. i am a fan of stretching the boundaries of what's "acceptable" and enjoy not following the status quo of the korean woman trajectory.

i've always been quite adventurous with my hair and when my friend suggested this half and half style, i was all for it! i didn't know if i could wear it quite like anya donned it on project runway, but, i like how my version, with bangs, suits me!

i was so pleased the other day, when my student annabeth told me that she explained my haircut to a few of her classmates at school and they all agreed that it was unique. one of the girls even stated that she wants a haircut like mine when she grows up! YOU GO GIRL!

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