Saturday, March 26, 2011


it has now been 4 weeks since i made my long awaited and anticipated return home and a lot has happened in that duration. (4 weeks = 28 days, but doesn't the former sound a lot longer than the latter?) i spent one week recovering from jet leg (that shit was no joke!) and the next, visiting friends in our nation's capital. elated but overwhelmed by the urban sensory overload, i happily re-retreated back into my suburban existence in my room, in my parents' house, and created a loose-fitting yet still well guided table of contents for what will be my book of personal stories/essays/rants & raves. week 4 (april 5, 3:30pm) was outstandingly momentous since it included the arrival of my niece, jaina raejin taylor. she is, without a doubt, the most inconceivably adorable, beautiful baby. i was present for my sister's labor and delivery and being witness to such an incredibly fascinating, lovingly intimate, painfully raw process was an awesome honor not only as a sister, a friend, a woman, but also simply as a human being. (holy shit, that was fucking amazing.)

being back has been a rather effortlessly smooth adjustment. i know that i am lucky and extremely thankful to be surrounded by a tremendous support network of family and friends who are not only radiantly encouraging, but so marvelously generous and sharing. (at this moment, i'm writing from my friend sebastian's lovely apartment in dc. he offered his home to me while he is traveling for work for the next two weeks. fantastic!) what's also fabulously freeing is that my existence these days isn't centered around work that exhausts or depletes, giving too much of myself without feeling reciprocity. instead, my "work" involves time to focus and craft the stories that shape me! i am taking this time, time i truly owe to myself, to devote to creating what i believe in, things that make me feel alive, happy, challenged, and engaged to the core.

it's a risk, but a calculated one with astoundingly more positive than negative results. but, perhaps it's not a risk at all. this is something that i've been wanting to do for a long, long time and maybe the only risky thing is that i've come to this place of acceptance in giving myself this space and time to do just that. that's right bitches, I'M BAAAAAAAACK!


Eve Fox said...

welcome home!!! that sounds like a truly great project. Will we get to read it?

jsc said...

thanks, eve! yes, of course you will!