Wednesday, November 12, 2008

lotte's favorite day

11.11, aka, pepero day is an excuse to buy pepero snacks. the chocolate covered thin stick-like cookie snacks, known in japan as pocky, are given (lotte, pepero's manufacturer created this day to boost their sales, and what a gimmick! everyone or nearly everyone has fallen for it, suckas!) to your friends, family, significant others, wannabe significant others...sha-la, sha-la.

i had forgotten about pepero day until my sweet korean language classmates presented me with my very own pepero package of yumminess!

happy pepero day!


KM said...

i love pocky! my sister brought em back from japan for me. they're great to stir in your coffee.

Anonymous said...

I just had some the other day - Jesse's grandmom gave them to us, but I don't know where she got them!!!!! Too funny!