Tuesday, September 18, 2007


a 2-part introduction:
numero uno
this is the post where i explain the creation of sojourn, my blog. (i've decided it's not worth keeping track of my previous blog attempts--there were many. suffice it to say that i often vacillate between the desire to chart my adventures, musings, happenings, insights and hilarity online to wishing i wasn't so connected to the computer...) when i returned from my, ahem, sojourn, from new zealand, i found a summer job working as a farmers market intern at the capital area foodbank in dc. my co-worker, ann and i were chit-chatting about housing in dc and she mentioned that one of her house-mates would be gone for the month of july and asked whether i'd be interested in subletting? oh hell yes. while i didn't mind commuting (holla marc from bmore!) the idea of being able to ride my bike to work and not rushing to catch the train sounded immensely appealing. mmmmhmmm!

at the lovely house (and i do mean lovely: front porch, screened in back porch, hardwood floors, veggie garden (garden!) fabulous red kitchen counter tops) i met the other amazing ladies of fern place and began talking to julia about spw--student partnerships worldwide. based on our conversations and my desire to continue sojourning, i decided to volunteer with spw in nepal for 7 months starting this november. yes. i know. it's less than 7 weeks away. now, the thing that makes the time frame even trickier is that i have to raise a hefty sum of moolah before departure time. $6400 minimum. that translates to about $130.62 a day. and that's not even calculating other costs, like equipment or partial airfare. i must be insane.
or crafty. or both!
numero dos
i now introduce to you my idea of the bloggle. it's part blog, part raffle. you see, my pretties, i've asked my amazing crafty artsy friends to donate a fine good to my nepal fund. for each item, i'll create a post and those itching to get their grubby hands on the prize will use the comment page to bid on the goods. the person with highest bid will win! it's a win win bloggle! you win a sweet piece of artwork, i win with more dough in my nepal fund. get ready, the bloggle entries forthcoming...

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