Friday, October 25, 2013

inconvenient yet true.

this past week, i've committed myself to daily morning meditations. i wake up, use the bathroom and then, immediately meditate for 10 minutes. it's been a great process in mindfulness and today, i sat down to mediate and within 30 seconds, i heard banging and clanging and drilling and thought to myself, "how in the hell am i going to meditate through this?!?"

and then, i had a sudden AHA moment!

this IS meditation!

meditating through the noise, the annoyances and all the inconveniences is such a fitting analogy for life, because you know what? you can't always can't what you want. so deal. and by deal, i mean accept it, then continue forward, onward and meditate.

i shared the idea of not being able to always get what you want with my friend and she disagreed with me, explaining that you do actually always get what you want, but not necessarily in the ways or at the time that you want it. and i admit, i have to agree! the universe works in strange and mysterious ways...RESPECT.

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