Monday, July 29, 2013

thank you, universe.

this is a time of intensified learning. so many of the "life lessons" i have learned before (exercise calm and patience, this too shall pass, maintain perspective, practice mind control, & RELAX...) are being absorbed in even more fully and impacting ways.

i believe that we are the agents of our own change. meaning that if i want something to happen, i am the biggest force to make it happen. i think, i act, i make, i do, I AM. sometimes rich learning opportunities present themselves in painful forms--a damned relationship, a terrible job--or no job! and when-it-rains-it-pours continuous uncertainty.

just yesterday, i received an email delivering what is typically perceived as "bad" news but it made me giddy with relief! i.was.fired. that's right. FIRED. and in that instant, just like that, i felt free, uninhibited and unencumbered. now, more than ever before, there is nothing holding me back! let's say that one more time, THERE IS NOTHING HOLDING ME BACK. fuck yeah.

this is a year of shifting and learning, re-shifting and learning some more.  i have learned some deeply incredible and invaluable truths. my truths, my stories, my vulnerabilities and i'm remembering to put them all into context, to zoom out, not zoom in and feel them out, and then, try as best as i can to LET IT ALL GO. not forget, but to not let those moments from my past dictate so much of my livelihood and energy, now. it's all a big process and i am choosing gratitude. i am focusing on heart.

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