that day, after 2 rounds of novocaine, my dentist reopened my gumline and exposed my implants so that the abutments could be inserted. these abutments are special posts that serve as the connector between my implants and my soon to be fake crowns. these posts will support my crowns. since there's some other preparatory work that needs to be done, (impressions of my teeth and the construction of my crowns to match my existing teeth) i've been given falsies to wear in the meantime. these falsies are not nearly as dependable (they've already fallen out once and my dentist told me that that will most likely happen quite a few times this month!) as my flipper. (my retainer with my fake teeth attached) but it is pretty amazing to get a better idea of what it's going to feel like when i have my permanent teeth in my mouth! TO TEETH!!!!!
a big smile to show you my bruised gumline:

arrrrrrrrrrrgghh! me teeth!

falsies in my hand: