the world can sometimes be suprising smaller than one might anticipate, much smaller. two weekends ago, i went to a friend's birthday celebration where i met another korean-american, who not suprisingly, is an english teacher. we exchanged numbers and since i'm not particularly picky when it comes to giving out my number--sometimes, unfortunately to my displeasure--i didn't think it an especially unique instance. i was a bit startled then, when he did call me! i found him attractive and of course briefly entertained dating possibilities but knew (gut feelings are usually right) that it--WHATEVER THAT "IT" IS--was not present. (sometimes, i want to say, fuck "it!") he called to invite me to appear on a tv show. SAY WHAT?!? not so secretly, i've entertained thoughts of well, entertainment, of being on tv (little know fact: i was on mtv--on a psa! and also on an aclu commercial.) and while this was entertaining, it more serious than any commercials.
i went on the arirang channel's face to face program where teams of english speakers are given a topic to debate. ours: we were in the proposition to the argument that genetically modified foods should be developed. my teammates, julius, victor, whom i just met that day, and i were probably the most ill-prepared debaters for that show. when i think of wingin' it, a mental picture of that show's set comes to mind. we didn't go cold turkey, but it was pretty damn close. the night before, julius gave me the impression that it was a very relaxed show and that i wouldn't have to prep. luckily, i did some research beforehand and was able to convince the judges (yes, there were judges!) that our team wasn't bonkers. i'm either a really good actress or i'm much more capable of bullshitting than ever before. it was a hellavulot of fun!
i gave our team's opening speech and spoke assertively and perhaps a bit smugly. pausing between choice words for dramatic effect. (you gotta start out strong motherfuckers!) apparently this strategy worked well. when the cameras stopped rolling (we lost by one point, not bad!) we met our opposition and one of their team members admitted that he was scared of me. poor dude. smartypants university students. they won, because unlike us, they researched and cited evidence and facts. numbers, statistics, ladies and gentlemen are very convincing.
so this is where the small world part comes in. just when i was about to sit in the the make-up chair (mmmhmmm, they did our hair and makeup! i've not worn that much make-up since...lordy, i don't even remember.) i see someone who i know i know. turns out its my friend of a friend's girlfriend. and gf is very very cool. we've gotten together several times before and everytime we hang out, it's great fun but those times are few and far between. i think it's the universe saying we need to hang out more often. how random or perhaps not so random. she was one of the judges! and if you think she was biased because she knew me, think again. very objective is she.
just as we were about to leave the studio, one of the audience members came up to me and thanked me for being such a good speaker! now THAT was delightful. that's the sort of compliment i would rarely tire of.